Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cloth diapering

me, around a year old- i think

When I was a baby, my mom cloth diapered my brothers and I. Only occasionally did she use disposables. I read somewhere that they were first intended only for travel. Then, of course, their "convenience" caught on and most people use them today.  

Because I was a cloth diaper baby, I never imagined using anything else. Once I read all the reasons cloth should be used, I was even more convinced that I didn't want to use disposables. It's more than simply avoiding polluting the earth with thousands of dirty diapers that will forever sit in a landfill. (Although, that IS a very good reason.) Cloth can be an investment at first, but saves a lot of money in the long run. Cloth is also healthier for your baby. The chemicals used in disposables to help absorb all that "stuff" can cause rashes. And the reason I like most: a baby diapered in cloth, on average, potty trains sooner than if disposables were used. That's enough to make me want to try cloth!
I thought Kris would resist my idea to cloth diaper our baby. To my surprise, he actually thought it was a good idea. My husband's cooperation in this area is very important to me. I can compromise on some things, but I really wanted to try cloth diapers. I have my concerns, but I've been reading other mothers' reviews and tips. I've also found some great youtube videos full of information and how-to's. I'm definitely feeling confident about it. This is an area in which I'm sure I'll keep updating our progress here on the blog.

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